
By Z.H. Fu

In this article, we will show how to install qemu and install an ubuntu system on it.

qemu install

you can directly install with brew or directly compile to code. The code is well written and I haven’t encounter some weird problems.

Download Image

Though you can install the system just the same as installing an ordinary, here, we strongly suggest you directly use the precompiled official image which saves a lot of time. Just download

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By Z.H. Fu

We have introduced many tools and tricks in my previous post Struggling in importing wikipedia into Elasticsearch. In that post, we successfully import Wikipedia into elasticsearch with logstash. However, things are not settled. The biggest problem of logstash is that it’s extremely user-unfriendly. Even filter an html tag will waste you half days searching google how to do modify the config file. It made very annoy sine I totally forget all the tricks of logstash. Therefore, we will explore how to use python to import the Wikipedia into elasticsearch directly.

The first step is to convert the Wikipedia source file into a more formatted one. I choose to use gensim’s Wikipedia tool to do this. It can be run like this:

python -m gensim.scripts.segment_wiki -i -f enwiki-20190320-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 -o enwiki-20190320-pages-articles-multistream.json.gz -w 100

It will convert the latest

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By Z.H. Fu


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By Z.H. Fu


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By Z.H. Fu


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By Z.H. Fu

In the realm of stochastic processes and queueing theory, understanding various mathematical models and their applications is essential for tackling real-world problems efficiently. This comprehensive “Stochastic Process Cheat Sheet” provides a valuable resource for grasping the fundamentals of Poisson processes, Markov chains, continuous-time Markov chains, Martingales, Queueing Theory, and more. This guide covers a wide range of topics, from basic definitions to intricate equations and practical examples.

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By Z.H. Fu

在可数Markov链方面,我们介绍了如何判定一个Markov链是transient或positive recurrent,以及如何求解极限概率。我们还讨论了Gambler’s Ruin问题、Alarm Clock问题等经典模型,并提供了相应的解决方法。

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By Z.H. Fu
Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine based on Lucene. It can build indexes on huge amount of data and we can query the data fast by keywords. Different from common database, Elasticsearch build inverted index and is capable of search keywords on all documents. The serch tool of wikipedia now is Elasticsearch. In this post, we introduce how to make a local Elasticsearch and import wikipedia dump into it. Some basic usages of Elasticsearch are also introduced.

Download Elasticsearch

We run Elasticsearch on Linux system. Fisrly, we download Elasticsearch from the web.

wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.5.2.zip
unzip elasticsearch-5.5.2.zip
cd elasticsearch-5.5.2
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu
./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install org.wikimedia.search:extra:5.5.2

We installed some plugins provided by wikimedia. Afterwards, we start Elasticsearch by:


Do not follow the official old post

This famous post provided by Elasticsearch https://www.elastic.co/blog/loading-wikipedia is out-of-date since recently, a lot of changes have been made in the development of Elasticsearch. I personally encountered a lot of problems during reproduce this tutorial. And I cannot find the solution.

Use Logstash

Logstash is log processing tool. However, it can also be used as the processing tool of our data. Since wikipedia dump is a text stream, Logstash can process text data by a rich set of plugins.
The framework of Logstash is shown as follows
We can define our own Imput, Filter and Output part to process the text stream to our desired data.

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By Z.H. Fu

Optimization is the foundation of many other popular technologies and is widely used in our modern society. In this post, we will go through the basics in the foundation of optimization. We will start from the simplest linear programming, extend it to a more general conic version and finally arrive at Lagrange optimization. In order to concentrate on the main framework of optimization, we leave out some long proof which can be easily found in reference materials. All this post comes from course ENGG5501 taught by Prof. Anthony Man-Cho So in CUHK.

(I) Linear Programming

In linear programming (LP), the objective function and constraints are all linear w.r.t. variables. The standard form of linear programming is given as follows:

(P)      vp=minx   cTxs.t.   Ax=bx0\begin{aligned} (P)\ \ \ \ \ \ v_p^* = \min_\mathbf{x}\ \ \ &\mathbf{c}^T \mathbf{x}\\ \text{s.t. }\ \ &A\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}\\ & \mathbf{x} \ge \mathbf{0} \end{aligned}

Where x,cRn\mathbf{x},\mathbf{c}\in \mathbb{R}^n, bRm\mathbf{b}\in \mathbb{R}^m ARm×nA\in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n }. Since x0\mathbf{x}\ge \mathbf{0}, the feasible region contains no line. It implies that it has at least one vertex. As stated by a theorem, if (P) has at least one vertex. Then, either the optimal value is -\infty or there exists a vertex that is optimal.

Weak Duality

By observing problem (P). We are minimizing some function. A natural question is whether we can construct a lower bound, such that, no matter how we change our variables, the object functions always bigger than the lower bound. Now, let construct such a lower bound.

If we can find a vector yRm\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^m, s.t. ATycA^T \mathbf{y}\le c, then we have bTy=xTATycTx\mathbf{b}^T\mathbf{y}=\mathbf{x}^TA^T\mathbf{y}\le \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x}. This is in fact another optimization problem. Because, for all y\mathbf{y}s, the inequality above all holds. Obviously we want to find the max one to get the maximal lower bound. We firstly write the problem as follows:

(D)      vd=maxx   bTys.t.   ATyc\begin{aligned} (D)\ \ \ \ \ \ v_d^* = \max_\mathbf{x}\ \ \ &\mathbf{b}^T \mathbf{y}\\ \text{s.t. }\ \ &A^T \mathbf{y}\le c \end{aligned}

Here, we find that for any LP primal problem (P), there exists a dual problem (D). The optimal value of the dual problem (D) is a lower bound of the primal problem (P). This is called the weak duality. By “weak”, we mean that we have an inequality relation holds between the two problems ( $ v _ p ^ * = v _ d ^ * $ ). A natural question is when the primal optimal value equals to the dual optimal value ($v _ p^ * = v _ d^ * $). It will be powerful if the equality holds, because if $v _ p^* = v _ d^* $, we can solve the primal problem by just solving the dual problem if the primal problem is to complicated. When the equality will hold is studied in the strong duality theory.

Strong Duality

To get the strong duality, we first introduce Farkas’s Lemma without proof.

(Farkas’s Lemma) Let ARm×nA \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n} and bRmb \in \mathbb{R}^m be given. Then, exactly one of the following systems has a solution:

Ax=b,x0ATy0,bTy>0 \begin{aligned} &Ax=b, x\ge0 \\ &A^Ty\le 0, b^Ty>0 \end{aligned}

Farkas’s Lemma shows that there must be one and only on of the two systems has a solution. This can be used to prove the strong duality of LP problem.

(LP Strong Duality) Suppose that (P) has an optimal solution xRnx^* \in \mathbb{R}^n. Then, (D) also has an optimal solution yRmy^* \in \mathbb{R}^m, and cTx=bTyc^T x^* = b^T y^*.

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By Z.H. Fu

SVM (Support Vector Machine) is an important tool in pattern recognition before the wave of different kind of neural networks. In this post, we revisit the derivation of SVM and get some important intuition of the result.

The original problem

Suppose we have some training data D={(x1,y1),(x2,y2),,(xn,yn)}\mathcal{D}=\{(\mathbf{x}_1, y_1),(\mathbf{x}_2, y_2),\cdots,(\mathbf{x}_n, y_n)\}, in which x\mathbf{x} is a feature vector, and yiy_i is the class label for each sample and it is -1 or 1. Our task is to find a classifier that uses a separate hyper plane to divide the points in D\mathcal{D} into two parts. Points on each side of the hyper plane have the same class label y respectively. This classifier is denoted as f(x)=sign(wTx+b)f(\mathbf{x})=\text{sign}(\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}+b). For any hyper plane that successfully divide the two classes. We define the geometry margin of the iith point as the distance from the point to the hyper plane:


We observe that for both classes y=1y=1 and y=1y=-1, the geometry margin is larger than 0. We can define the geometry margin of our dataset D\mathcal{D} as:

γ=mini=1,,nγi\gamma=\min_{i=1,\cdots,n} \gamma_i

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